When no news isn't good news

We ended up only have that one showing last week.  I'm very confused where all the other people went...I'm very confused what God is doing right now, but I know He's doing something.  The couple that looked at our house, emailed with a few questions the following day and then we haven't heard another word from them.  People said our house would be sold right now, and it's not.  They also say that as soon as we officially list it, it will be gone.  I'm preparing myself that they are wrong.

We had a busy enough week without showings, so I actually saw it as a blessing.

Sea Cliff is a very unique place to live, and while it's not my paradise, I can see how it is for other people.  The Porch Pickers played a concert on the beach.  It was an absolutely beautiful evening and kids were running around playing and dancing to the music.  Parents were chatting and eating by the little cafe.  You could see the Greek Festival going on across the water and I hear that Jimmy Fallon was there ;

So thankful for this friend.  She drove all the way out to Sea Cliff to hang out with me during the concert.

We're in the last few days of school, which mean they are torture.  You know, when you can see the end and you just want to be done, but you can't be done and you feel like you're dragging yourself across the finish line?  We're there.  We decided a snow cone would lift our spirits.  It actually did; I just have to think about paying for the experience and not a cup of flavored water. 

To be honest, the last week has been challenging for me, but in an unexpected way.  I have peace about the no news.  I'm actually not that worried or stressed about selling the house.  But I have struggled with the attitudes from my boys.  Maybe it's just the end of year yuckiness or maybe they feel the stress of things starting to change or maybe they are just sinners and need to be reminded of some basic things...like being polite.  I felt a shift this week and suddenly, just me walking into the room equaled them literally collapsing on the floor.  Not just an eye roll, but a literal collapse; a deep sigh and looking away and complete silence.  Looks of disgust and a plea in their eyes of "please don't tell me one more thing".  Except that I am their teacher and their mother and my job is to keep them alive and educate them and shepherd them.  So, unfortunately that means that I have to instruct them and unfortunately for me that means a constant stream of backlash.  I feel like I deal out abundant grace in this house, but the thing they don't tell you about teens is how exhausting it is to be extra cheery to a house full of grouchy people.  I'm weary of it.  AND guess what?  When you finally call them out on it and correct it, it's like poking a bear and it just makes it all worse!  
It will pass.  We will work through it.  But it just kinda sucks right now to be not liked by people in your house for just being.

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