1st Open House

When we talked to our original realtor (the one who helped us buy this house), she said that she would price low and then have an open house and 50-100 people would come and you would get 10 offers and they would bid up the house.  So the low price gets people in the door, but then they bid up the price to make it $50,000+ more.  We had a couple come look at the house and they said that they had lost hope buying a house because they were selling $100,000 over asking price and it felt like you never knew the actual price of the house.  We didn't want to do that.  It felt kind of scummy to us.

But those conversations made us prepare for swarms of people to come to our open house.  We bought a giant sign and put out a ton of waters and I baked so.many.cookies.  Do you know how stressful it was when no one came for 45 minutes?  I would love to say that I didn't worry, but I quickly went to "Oh my goodness, no one is going to buy our house!"

11 people came to our open house.  Not 100.  And while there was positive comments, there were zero offers.  Not 10 competing.

So far, nothing "they" said would happen has actually happened.

While Ben was at the house, I took the boys to basketball and Maya for a walk.  It was so hot and humid that day, I wasn't sure she was going to make it.

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