
Thanks to a wonderful gift, I have been enjoying some shows on Netflix for my "me time".  I started watching 'Parenthood' last weekend and it gripped me from the first show.  It is so realistic and brings up some hard issues that everyone has to deal with, but maybe don't want to admit that they do.  I'll admit that it's easy to shelter my kids and pretend that hard things will never happen, but they do.

So, above all, this show scares me to pieces to have teenagers.  Definitely makes me cherish small children who don't have smarty attitudes, boyfriends or ACT preparations.  Seriously, changing diapers may not be so bad after all :)

As I've thought about the issues that will be coming in about 6 years, it's made me wonder what I could do now to make the coming years easier.  I wonder what parents of teenagers are thinking they wish they did when they were in my shoes.

Any thoughts?  Advice?

love my entourage

Third times a charm